VuTronics(tm) Software and Systems
Our Software and Systems are designed to help researchers and healthcare providers display Physiological Data on their devices. This data includes Peripheral Blood Flow, Heart Rate, Blood Volume Pulse, Respiration, Bioelectric Conductance, Galvanic Skin Response, Skin Temperature, surface Electromyography, Electroencephalogram and Electrocardiogram using our sensors.
Our Software can, also ,easily be configured to capture and display data from any of your sensors or hardware devices. Our software has AI protocols that use voice prompts to collect data, and process and display using a number of linear and non linear computations in real time.

A number of sensors to measure Blood Volume, Respiration, Bioelectric Conductance, Galvanic Skin Response, Skin Temperature, surface electromyography, Electroencephalogram, and Electrocardiogram

Our Systems that Measures Upto 2 to 32 Sensors
Our Systems connect with a PC, Laptop or Tablet to Display Physiological Data using our supplied or client desinged Protocols for Patient Evaluation or Research.

AI Physiological Software
Our powerful yet easy to use software allows users to collect, display and store data using specific protocols for research or evaluation.

Use our VuTronics(tm) Software
For Automating Data Collection with Voice Prompts based Protocols and detailed and summary visual display of sensor data.